MagicSync - A Simple and Fast Way to Sync your Email Accounts and Settings
Need to sync your email accounts and settings across multiple devices?
No matter how many devices you have, BlueMail’s MagicSync feature makes syncing your accounts a breeze.
What's MagicSync?
MagicSync is compatible with any email provider and allows you to backup, restore, and securely transfer your information between an a large number of devices. All of your data is encrypted, so you can be totally confident that your sensitive information is safe. And updates you make to your BlueMail app settings will automatically apply to all linked devices.
Sync Account Settings
To sync your email accounts between your active device and your new device, you just need to follow a few simple steps. Using your active device, sign into your email account, navigate to Settings, and select MagicSync.
Choose the option “Generate MagicSync number”, and a unique code will appear.
To sync your account on the new device, switch to that device and navigate to Settings, followed by MagicSync. You’ll be prompted to enter your MagicSync number, and once you do, your account will appear on this new device.
Want to sync your email account to even more devices? No problem. All you need to do is repeat these same steps with your other devices.
Private and Secure
With MagicSync, it’s a snap to sync your email accounts across all your devices. And most importantly, you can do so with the complete assurance that your account data is safe, private and secure. MagicSync is yet another reason why BlueMail is the best email app for multiple email accounts.